Breast Abscess Drainage

Introduction A breast abscess is a painful collection of pus that forms in the breast. Most abscesses develop just under the skin and are caused by a bacterial infection. Breast abscesses are painful, swollen lumps that may also: Be red Feel hot Cause the surrounding skin to swell Cause a high temperature (fever) What causes a breast abscess? Breast abscesses are often linked to mastitis, a condition that causes breast pain and...

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Labial fusion

Labial fusion, or labial adhesion, is when the small lips around the entrance to the vagina become sealed together and covered with a fleshy membrane. It is sometimes seen in babies and young girls and is usually nothing to worry about. The membrane usually completely seals the vaginal opening, leaving a very small gap at the front through which urine passes. For most babies or girls, labial fusion does not cause any problems and is...

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Varicose Veins

Introduction Varicose veins are swollen and enlarged veins, usually blue or dark purple in colour. They may also be lumpy, bulging or twisted in appearance. They mostly occur in the legs. Other symptoms include: Aching, heavy and uncomfortable legs Swollen feet and ankles Muscle cramp in your legs Dr. B C Shah can diagnose varicose veins based on these symptoms, although further tests may be carried out. Why do varicose veins happen?...

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A varicocele is a widening of the veins along the cord that holds up a man’s testicles (spermatic cord). Causes, incidence, and risk factors A varicocele forms when valves inside the veins along the spermatic cord prevent blood from flowing properly. This causes the blood to back up, leading to swelling and widening of the veins. (This is essentially the same process that leads to varicose veins, which are common in the legs.)...

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Understanding Upper Endoscopy

What is upper endoscopy? Upper endoscopy lets Dr. B C Shah examine the lining of the upper part of your gastrointestinal tract, which includes the esophagus, stomach and duodenum (first portion of the small intestine). Dr. B C Shah will use a thin, flexible tube called an endoscope, which has its own lens and light source, and will view the images on a video monitor. You might hear Dr. B C Shah or other medical staff refer to upper...

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Introduction A tracheostomy is a surgical procedure where Dr. B C Shah  creates an opening in the neck at the front of the windpipe (trachea). A tube is inserted into the opening and connected to an oxygen supply to assist with breathing. Fluid that has built up in the throat and windpipe can also be removed through the opening. A tracheostomy can be performed as: An emergency procedure – for example, if someone is unable to breathe...

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