Passing blood in stools – A rare disease

Passing blood in stools – A rare disease

Mr. B______, a 50 year old patient from Saudi Arabia came to me with bleeding while passing stools (also read this interesting case ) since childhood. He was often treated for piles in his country but there was no relief. Ultimately being frustrated with his disease, he came to India. He was skinny and pale. I examined his anal canal but did not see any plies. There appeared some mass in rectum. I posted him for colonoscopy. Almost...

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Breast infection in infants

Breast infection in infants

  Baby L_____ S_____, one month old female infant was brought to me by her aunt with a huge left breast abscess. The mother was too terrified to come inside my clinic & the father was also outside consoling the mother. It started as a small boil. They had taken her to pediatrician who gave them local ointment and oral antibiotics. However, it did not subside. IT grew very quickly and the child started to have fever. It was...

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Belly button pain

Belly button pain

    Often female patients come with belly button pain or pain around belly button. There are many causes. Commonest cause is muscle stretching. In India its generally common in females  because of multiple pregnancies, obesity, poor muscle tone & lifting heavy weight. The navel gets so stretched that it starts to tear and the contents which are suppose to be inside start protruding out. The belly button everts &...

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Waited too long

Waited too long

I got a call from emergency that a 32 year old female had come with severe pain in abdomen & vomiting. She had pain since five days and no she was also running fever. I went to examine her. She looked familiar. She had my old case papers. She meet me couple of years back. She had Gallstones but refused to get operated because she said it was hardly causing any symptoms. She felt that the stones were very small and her granny had...

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Post radiation bowel perforation

Post radiation bowel perforation

At times treating a patient of cancer in abdomen can be a nightmare for the surgeon. Multiple operations and radiations performed as a treatment for cancer changes the anatomy and physiology of abdomen. Now in this situation if a patient comes with a perforation in the bowel becomes a tough challenge to the surgeon. I recently has to operate such patient. He has sever pain and his bowel had perforated due to radiation effect.There was...

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My daughter screams every time while peeing

My daughter screams every time while peeing

A three month old girl was referred to me by pediatrician. Every time she would pass urine, the child would cry. After passing urine she would dribble for sometime. On examination I found that she had severe labial fusion nearly blocking the urine outflow. Under a short general anesthesia the labia were separated. Postoperative and on follow up the child did very well. She stopped screaming while passing urine and she stopped...

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