It is not always Piles or Fissures!
A 19 yr boy studying in college came with complaints of constipation, bleeding & pain while defecating since 3 months. He had consulted many nearby family physicians. They told him that it was a piles problem and they had given him different types of oral laxatives and local ointments. However, unfortunately none of them had ever examined him. He was even advised piles surgery. He latter consulted an Ayurvedic...
Passing blood in stools – A rare disease
Mr. B______, a 50 year old patient from Saudi Arabia came to me with bleeding while passing stools (also read this interesting case ) since childhood. He was often treated for piles in his country but there was no relief. Ultimately being frustrated with his disease, he came to India. He was skinny and pale. I examined his anal canal but did not see any plies. There appeared some mass in rectum. I posted him for colonoscopy. Almost...
A colonoscopy is an internal examination of the colon (large intestine) and rectum, using an instrument called a colonoscope. The colonoscope has a small camera attached to a flexible tube that can reach and examine the entire length of the colon. How the Test is Performed You will usually be given medicine into a vein to help you relax and not feel any discomfort. You will be awake during the test and may even be able to...
Breast Abscess Drainage
Introduction A breast abscess is a painful collection of pus that forms in the breast. Most abscesses develop just under the skin and are caused by a bacterial infection. Breast abscesses are painful, swollen lumps that may also: Be red Feel hot Cause the surrounding skin to swell Cause a high temperature (fever) What causes a breast abscess? Breast abscesses are often linked to mastitis, a condition that causes breast pain and...
Breast infection in infants
Baby L_____ S_____, one month old female infant was brought to me by her aunt with a huge left breast abscess. The mother was too terrified to come inside my clinic & the father was also outside consoling the mother. It started as a small boil. They had taken her to pediatrician who gave them local ointment and oral antibiotics. However, it did not subside. IT grew very quickly and the child started to have fever. It was...